Gray squirrel
Gray squirrel

gray squirrel

They have been introduced into some part of the western United states and some areas of Canada where they were not previously found. Average basal metabolic rate 2.062 W AnAgeĮastern grey squirrels are found throughout the eastern United States to just west of the Mississippi River and north into Canada.Black fox squirrels are found in some parts of the southeastern United States.Įastern grey squirrels are larger than red squirrels and do not have the white eye ring around their eyes. These black squirrels will not have white-tipped fur or white bellies. In most areas of North America, entirely black eastern grey squirrels are fairly common. Eastern grey squirrels are usually smaller than fox squirrels. Fox squirrels have red-tipped fur and red bellies. Eastern grey squirrels often have a lot of red in their fur. You can tell eastern grey squirrels apart from fox squirrels by their white tipped fur and white or grayish belly. The total length of the squirrel ranges from 380 to 525 millimeters (mm). Some populations of eastern grey squirrels have higher rates of albinism, which results in white fur, but this is very rare. If you see a black squirrel, it is most likely an eastern grey squirrel that is melanistic. Some populations of eastern grey squirrels are entirely melanistic, so that all squirrels in that area are black over their whole body. Melanism is common in northern populations of this species. The fur on their back ranges from grizzled dark grey to pale grey and may have red tones. Males and females are similar in size and color. Eastern grey squirrels are medium sized tree squirrels.

Gray squirrel